124 - I Can Me Not Out

I can me not out, what have you g'sogt?
Can you explain me des näher? I hob's not gaunz pockt.
Can you tell me, bitte, wos has des fia an Sinn?
Waunn's goa about me geht, where kumm ma do hin?

You have scho oiwei a bit undurchsichtig g'redt,
and now you have g'sogt I can you net,
but you kennst mi a net, I glaub that's clear,
du come me sche laungsaum like a Rätsel fia.

Und if you sog now that I bin feig,
remember: Rätsel lösen is what I like.
You wirst richtig interesting in dem game
seit I have mit dia a little Problem!
